A compelling documentary that delves into the lives of Filipino-Palestinian refugees who have found a unique refuge in the Philippines. This intimate film explores the intersection of two rich cultures within a tiny community known as Little Gaza, situated in Don Antonio, Quezon City. Through personal interviews and poignant storytelling, the documentary sheds light on their struggles, hopes, and the powerful sense of identity they maintain despite their displacement.
The primary goal of the documentary is to provide an authentic portrayal of the Filipino-Palestinian refugee experience. By highlighting their stories, the documentary aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by them, celebrate their cultural resilience, and foster empathy and understanding among a global audience.

Directed by: SUBLIME
Produced by: Tristan Ortega
Production Assistant: Daniel Chicombing
Photographer: Zia Cabotaje

special thanks to Raffy Lerma, Ms. Khamilah M.

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